I am also a Wife. And a Mom. And a Daughter. And a Mom. And a Friend. And a Sister. And a Mom. It is apparent in my Art. And in my Photography.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


"Holding a resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
- Alcoholics Anonymous

Bitterness is killing me.  How do I let it go?  I've tried.  I've been gracious.  It just keeps getting worse.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I'm beginning to be more confident in my photography skills.  And so, I think I will start a business when we move to Spokane.  I will need to put together a portfolio.  I will need a name for my photography business.  I will need a website to display my work and take appointments.  For now, I have this blog.
I enjoy editing in Photoshop almost as much as taking the photos in the first place.  I have a couple photo shoots coming up in the next couple weeks.  Maybe someday I can actually earn some money doing what I love.  Pretty sure I will never do weddings, though.  Too much work afterwards!  I will stick to babies, couples (maybe), and families.  But mostly babies!  I love the babies!